Your world file should do that for the Gentoo stuff, with limitations. It
assumes you have nothing on the system that was created outside of normal
portage/emerge. It would probably duplicate the latest kernel tree but
wouldn't build it, and wouldn't copy old kernels that aren't in portage if
you still have them on the system. It isn't going to get virtual
environment, be they python or things like virtualbox if you use those.

I suspect you'll get a 'working' machine (I've done it) but you will still
have a lot of stuff to transfer by hand or from backups which you really
should do anyway.


On Sat, Apr 4, 2020 at 10:35 AM <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am currently preparing a new harddisc as home for my new Gentoo
> system.
> Is it possible to recreate exactlu the same pool of
> applications/programs/libraries etc..., which my current
> system have - in one go?
> That is: Copy <something> from the current system into
> the chroot environment, fire up emerge, go to bed and
> tommorow morning the new system ready...?
> Does this <something> exists and is it reasonable to do
> it this way?
> Thanks for any hint in advance!
> Stay healthy!
> Cheers,
> Meino

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