maxim wexler wrote:

>>There are 2 distinct problems here:
>>1. Booting from floppy....Maxim and I are very close
>>to solving this
>>one...only fixing up the grub.conf file remains. 
>>Rebuilding grub is not
>>going to help a bit for this problem.
>In grub.conf commented out root(hd0,1) line; modified
>kernel line to read:
>kernel (hd0,1)/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda4
>prepped a floppy and did a grub setup(fd0) as per
>previous instructions.
>Now it's 
>  Booting 'Gentoo'
>kernel (hd0,1)/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda4
>then nothing, not even "file not found". 

Ok, I should have seen that coming.  If we can't load stage2 from /boot,
we can't load the kernel either.  So, we should try to copy your kernel
to the floppy also, and load it from there.  Your kernel is going to
have to be fairly petite to fit...probably less than 1.2M or so. 

Delete everything from the floppy that is _not_ in this list to make
room for the kernel:

    total 1
    drwx------  2 root root 1024 Jun  2 17:36 grub

    total 144
    -rw-------  1 root root    197 Aug 27  2004 default
    -rw-------  1 root root     45 Aug 24  2004
    -rw-------  1 root root    285 Jun  2 17:35 grub.conf
    lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root      9 Jun  2 17:37 menu.lst -> grub.conf
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root    512 Jun  1 19:15 stage1
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root 105544 Jun  1 19:15 stage2

Then, copy the kernel to the floopy:

    cp -p /boot/vmlinuz /mnt/floppy

And finally, update the kernel line in grub.conf to read:

    kernel (fd0)/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda4

Also, delete the "splashimage=" line from the grub.conf file on the floppy.

As long as you don't touch the stage2 file in this process, you should
not need to re-run the grub setup commands.


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