Holly Bostick wrote:

>maxim wexler schreef:
>>>Remove the "root (hd0,1)" line.  That should (I
>>>hope) let you boot
>>>gentoo from the floppy.
>>Arrrgh! Now when I choose "Gentoo" from the menu:
>>Booting 'Gentoo'
>>kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/hda4
>>Error 15: File not found
>>Press any key to continue...
>You might want to have a look at the docs page... meaning,
>Gentoo Linux Documentation -- Gentoo Grub Error Collection
>It looks like it might be quite helpful :-)
Hi Holly,

I still recommend that the problem child, so to speak, can be bypassed
by simply going to www.gnu.org, and downloading the latest source, and
compiling it outside of the Gentoo emerge system.  Then when Gentoo gets
its ebuild working, you can always go back, doing a search on grub, and
delete it.  Then emerge grub.

When I installed grub, I emerged it, but then I used the same install
floppy that I've been using for over a year now.  Perhaps that was my
secret to success, a real working floppy.

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