rob3 wrote:

>I still recommend that the problem child, so to speak, can be bypassed
>by simply going to, and downloading the latest source, and
>compiling it outside of the Gentoo emerge system.  Then when Gentoo gets
>its ebuild working, you can always go back, doing a search on grub, and
>delete it.  Then emerge grub.
>When I installed grub, I emerged it, but then I used the same install
>floppy that I've been using for over a year now.  Perhaps that was my
>secret to success, a real working floppy.

There are 2 distinct problems here:

1. Booting from floppy....Maxim and I are very close to solving this
one...only fixing up the grub.conf file remains.  Rebuilding grub is not
going to help a bit for this problem.

2. Booting from HD.  This is more difficult, I strongly believe this is
because the stage 1.5 loader cannot read the stage2 due to where the
stage2 is on the hard disk and the limitations in addressing those
sectors through BIOS calls.  There /may/ be a workaround for this though
(by using --force-lba or the 'd' option to grub's install command).  It
/might/ also be a problem in the Gentoo build of grub, but I think that
is highly unlikely...

Has anybody had any luck using a /boot (or, if no separate /boot, then
'/') that is 60+GB from the beginning of the disk?  Has anybody tried?


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