On Tue, Dec 03, 2013 at 03:11:30PM -0600, William Hubbs wrote:
> I would like to add a virtual/network-manager package to @system which
> has the following rdepend settings:
> RDEPEND=" || (
>       net-misc/netifrc
>       >=sys-apps/openrc-0.12[newnet]
>       net-misc/badvpn
>       net-misc/dhcpcd
>       net-misc/netctl
>       net-misc/NetworkManager
>       net-misc/wicd )"
>       Does anyone see an issue with setting it up this way?
>       William

Just curious why you don't also include net-misc/connman?

wicd doesn't support nl80211 and isn't being developed upstream anymore, so
it's just a matter of time before it's demise.

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