On 03/12/13 23:11, William Hubbs wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 03, 2013 at 09:32:10PM +0400, Alexander V Vershilov wrote:
>> On Dec 3, 2013 1:24 AM, "Ian Stakenvicius" <a...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA256
>>> On 02/12/13 04:19 PM, Rick "Zero_Chaos" Farina wrote:
>>>> On 12/02/2013 03:28 PM, William Hubbs wrote: [...]
>>>>> Also, the other message in this thread is correct; the netifrc
>>>>> use flag is temporary.
>>>>> I originally planned to release openrc-0.12.x along with a
>>>>> newsitem that instructed you to emerge the netifrc package if you
>>>>> want the legacy network stack, but some users/devs felt that
>>>>> Ishould go further to make sure netifrc remains installed on
>>>>> their systems.
>>>> As one of those devs, I feel now may be a good time to ask.... What
>>>> are we doing about this?  In my opinion, anyone removing net
>>>> support from the stage3's should be killed with fire.  That said, I
>>>> don't care if it's netifrc or whatever as long as it is properly
>>>> documented and actually usable.
>>>> Thoughts on how we move forward?
>>>> Thanks, Zero
>>> Well, part of this conversation needs to be, what is the default
>>> networking stack that we want to have in gentoo?  IMO that should
>>> remain netifrc but that's just my personal opinion.
>> I personally like netifrc default but there is no good way to use it as
>> default we will need to keep use flag arbitrary long or add netifrc to
>> @system but it will return us back to the problems of users who doesn't
>> want to have netifrc on their systems. And with the rise of systems and NM
>> the number of such users will grow. Anyway I'd like to see base system herd
>> vote.
> I would like to add a virtual/network-manager package to @system which
> has the following rdepend settings:
> RDEPEND=" || (
>       net-misc/netifrc
>       >=sys-apps/openrc-0.12[newnet]
>       net-misc/badvpn
>       net-misc/dhcpcd
>       net-misc/netctl
>       net-misc/NetworkManager
>       net-misc/wicd )"
>       Does anyone see an issue with setting it up this way?

seems like a virtual that wouldn't do anything useful except pull in
random package(s) a la binary-distribution style

just update the handbook to include the 'emerge netifrc' step and
mention it's just one possibility

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