On Sun, Dec 01, 2013 at 11:20:15AM +0100, Alessandro DE LAURENZIS wrote:


> The other two cases need a clarification:
> 3) -netifrc -newnet: no network stack?!?

That's correct, you do not need one if you are using something like
networkmanager or dhcpcd in master mode.

> 4) netifrc newnet: ???

Both would be installed, but you still have to configure the one you
want to use.

Also, the other message in this thread is correct; the netifrc use flag
is temporary.

I originally planned to release openrc-0.12.x along with a newsitem that
instructed you to emerge the netifrc package if you want the legacy
network stack, but some users/devs felt that Ishould go further to make
sure netifrc remains installed on their systems.


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