On Thu, 2013-12-05 at 09:01 +0100, Martin Gysel wrote:

> if you're on x86/amd64 and want to prepare a sdcard for e.g. arm. you
> extract the stage3 to the card but then you can't just chroot and emerge
> netifrc...
> on the other hand, as long as busybox' default config includes a dhcp
> client one can always call it manually, unfortunately to do so. you need
> to have access to the system which isn't always guaranteed without network.
> so I strongly vote against exclude a default network stack for stage3.
> why not introduce a stage3 set which includes @system and other
> important packages like the default network stack?
> /martin

Actually, it's quite easy to chroot into an arm rootfs on amd64/x86 if
you have qemu or qemu-user installed.  I do this on a daily basis.  It's
really not difficult at all.

-- Steev

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