I've just upgraded to the latest openrc version; I was aware of the
netifrc USE flag introduction
(http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/gentoo/user/275748). But so far
the presence of the newnet flag was actually a "switch" between the old
and the new network stack, given that one of the two should (must?) be
added in any case.
Now the presence of both netifrc and newnet could make a bit of
confusion, particularly from a user perspective. We have of course 4
cases; two of them are clear:
1) netifrc -newnet: "legacy" network stack;
2) -netifrc newnet: "new" network stack.

The other two cases need a clarification:
3) -netifrc -newnet: no network stack?!?
4) netifrc newnet: ???

This should be definitely documented somewhere (I didn't find anything).

And, the last question: what's the point to have two flags instead the
good old one?

Thanks for any clarification.

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