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On 18/12/12 01:45 PM, William Hubbs wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 07:50:51AM +0100, Ulrich Mueller wrote:
>>>>>>> On Mon, 17 Dec 2012, William Hubbs wrote:
>>> This all started with the April 2012 council meeting when it
>>> was pushed through that separate /usr without an initramfs is
>>> a supported configuration, so yes, the previous council started
>>> this issue.
>> Sorry, but that's not an accurate account of what the council
>> has decided on. What we voted on in the April 2012 meeting was
>> this:
>> <ulm> The question is: "Decide on whether a separate /usr is
>> still a supported configuration."
> Ulrich,
> I have read the log, and that is where the confusion is.
> If that is true, and I think folks would beg to differ, we can say
> that the way separate /usr is supported is via requiring an
> initramfs and move forward from there because that would still be
> within the council's requirement since there is now documentation
> on how to build an initramfs.
> I know at least one council member who was at that meeting who
> would strongly disagree and say that what you voted for was that
> separate /usr, without an initramfs, is a supported configuration.

There was at least one council member that said they would not accept
an initramfs solution as the only way to support separate-/usr, but
having also been there I believe the vote itself was still that
"separate /usr will be supported" period.

So yes, a proper initramfs solution including documentation would
suffice for this April meeting decision.  This however rolls forward
to the October council meeting and it's decision to wait and/or not
officially adopt a "separate-/usr is only supported through an
initramfs" policy.  (The decision at that meeting was rather
complicated so i'm not really trying to summarize it but rather just
reference that it happened)

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