Olav Vitters <o...@vitters.nl> wrote:

>On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 09:29:26AM -0500, Richard Yao wrote:
>> As I said in an earlier email, Lennart Poettering claims that it does
>> not work. We are discussing some of the things necessary to make it
>Just to repeat:
>In this thread it was claimed that a separate /usr is not supported by
>A case which works with latest systemd on various distributions. I
>checked with upstream (not Lennart), and they confirmed it works. I can
>wait for Lennart to say the same, but really not needed.
>I assume this will again turn into a "but I meant something else".


Lennart has stated that he considers a seperate /usr without init* broken.
This has worked correctly in the past.

The direction udev development is going, according to Lennart, is to make that 
impossible and he refuses to fix this regression.

I am really happy with this project and intend on testing it once requests for 
this appear in the eudev mailing list.

Joost Roeleveld
Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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