On Tue, 16 May 2006 19:10:18 +0200 Christian Hartmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Oh lovely. - If noone has any strong reasonable objections, I'd like
| to add a $ians-playground profile to the tree. Furthermore I will
| start to keywording ebuilds with the new ~fridge keyword I just
| invented.

Why yes, because we're asking for people to go around changing all
their ebuilds. Oh, wait! We're not! That argument is right up there
with saying that the Pope should be removed from office because he
personally murdered five million French soldiers in World War II.

Please try to come up with something sliiightly more plausible than that
when you're trying to attack something based upon your personal
prejudices. Or is that really the best criticism you can find?

| > The next question is where to put it. The options as I see them are
| > under default-linux/x86/ or in a top-level paludis/ a la hardened,
| > selinux, embedded, and the like.
| How is paludis related to gentoo? Hardened and the other things you
| mentioned are gentoo projects. - Paludis is not.

Phony argument. Paludis is a package that's in the tree, and profile
changes are regularly made for packages that are in the tree.

| It's not about the size or the number of files. We have got enough -
| let's call it $stuff - in the tree. I'd really like to see valid and
| reasonable things added to the tree. - Adding things just because
| someone thinks it would be funny to add it to the tree can't be the
| way gentoo wants to go.

If you care about the size of the tree, why not start by nuking a few
dozen broken and unmaintained x11-* packages? They're not hard to find,
and unlike Paludis they aren't useful to anyone.

| Looking at the comment left for end-users on the paludis homepage [1]
| I'm still wondering why paludis is not package.mask'ed as it's known
| to break users systems.

Unfortunately, that warning has to be there to protect Paludis from
rampaging hordes of forums users and the like who otherwise would do
something very very dumb. Paludis is less likely to break your system
than reiserfs.

Ciaran McCreesh
Mail            : ciaran dot mccreesh at blueyonder.co.uk

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