On Tue, 16 May 2006 19:35:32 +0200 "Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò"
| On Tuesday 16 May 2006 19:20, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
| > That's rather funny, when one considers the whole BSD profile
| > structure and the zillions of ebuild changes that've been made for
| > BSD.
| You're just FUDing this and you know, the changes are rather minimal,
| and all directly handled by me (the BSD team), not handled down to
| maintainers at all.

And yet, the changes we're after are far tinier. Somehow I don't think
we're the ones spreading the FUD here. We're not asking for zillions of
ebuild changes and keywording.

(Not that I'm opposed to BSD, as you know. I just find it rather
strange that you're using a "big change" argument here...)

Ciaran McCreesh
Mail            : ciaran dot mccreesh at blueyonder.co.uk

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