On Tue, 16 May 2006 23:14:53 +0200
Jeroen Roovers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This should not be a side note IMHO. If that profile is in the tree,
> who in Gentoo will support it?

I will.

> Does the Gentoo Project not support the
> entire tree all of a sudden? 

There are plenty of ebuilds in the tree marked as unsupported by
gentoo. Probably some profiles too, though I can't name them for
certain off the top of my head.

> 1) Is bugsy ready for this, with appropriate categories in place?

Paludis-related bugs can be marked as invalid and the user directed to
Paludis' bug tracker on berlios.de. Alternatively, if our friendly
Bugzilla admins want to create categories I won't complain. I don't see
a need for it though.

> 2) Is there an alias addy for Paludis related issues, so that Paludis
> users can communicate with members of some Paludis profile team for
> support?

For issues related to Gentoo packaging of paludis, bugs can be filed
to the ebuild maintainer listed in metadata.xml. For other
paludis-related issues, there are mailing lists mentioned on the web

> 3) Is documentation support in place to refer Paludis profile users to
> when they fail to understand "reason" and demand Gentoo support for
> issues with the Paludis profile?

gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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