On Wed, 17 May 2006 07:03:27 +0200 Christian Hartmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| > Please try to come up with something sliiightly more plausible than
| > that when you're trying to attack something based upon your personal
| > prejudices. Or is that really the best criticism you can find?
| Uh yeah. It's all just based on my personal prejudices. - Why did I
| give paludis a try (on several VMs) then first? Remember when paludis
| was segfaulting?

Sure. You ran -svn (our release check procedures would have caught
that before it hit a release anyway), found a bug, and it got fixed and
a testcase was added to ensure that the same kind of issue didn't
reoccur. Did you want a cookie or something?

| That's how you want to understand it. It's easy to pervert the facts
| if one just constantly writes the same FUD over and over again. But
| this doesn't change anything. People will become tired to discuss the
| profile changes. Then the profile will be added. - You win. - Hooray.
| It has always been that way. - Changes won't be made because they are 
| sensible. They will be made because people are sick off wasting their
| time on discussions like that. - So am I.

If you'd like far less time wasted on discussions, perhaps you and your
co-offenders should try not posting huge numbers of emails that are
free of technical objections.

Ciaran McCreesh
Mail            : ciaran dot mccreesh at blueyonder.co.uk

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