Tres Melton wrote:
> On Sat, 2005-11-19 at 22:47 +0000, Kurt Lieber wrote:
>>OK, fine.  Devrel does not have an established track record of retiring
>>devs who are otherwise inactive.  Please fix this.  Please also get an
>>agreement from them that they're going to be willing to take on the
>>additional load of these arch testers.  Then please articulate the process
>>that will be followed to ensure they're actively tracked and retired
>>if/when they fall off the map.
> I don't know about retiring devs but the AT's should fall under the
> jurisdiction of the Head/lead/strategic lead/whatever the dude in charge
> of the AT's for a platform calls themselves.  For amd64 that is hparker,
> dang, blubb, and maybe another one or two developers.

I see this as something that devrel would take care of since they
already do this for developers. They already have the tools/access to
the places for such things. Would rather not have another set of folks
with that access.

Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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