On Sat, 2005-11-19 at 22:56 +0000, Kurt Lieber wrote:
> So, can other arch testers please pitch in with their $.02?  If we gave you
> rsync instead of CVS, would that be sufficient?  Or do you need the
> revision history, etc. of CVS?
> And, any objections to a ~30 minute delay between CVS<->this solution?
> --kurt

I personally do not need Revision histories, I can't speak for other
ATs.  Rsync with 30min delay is a noted improvement over the standard
rsync policy.  Does this also allow us to sync to  main rotation mirroes
is that already overstressed? I ask because IIRC it may take ~30min for
all the mirrors to sync up to the 'Latest' revision, therefore the sync
that I do _may_ be up to 60min old (worstcase). so main rotation mirror
access would be nice.

Feasable? I know not.

Later Days
Lares Moreau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  | LRU: 400755 http://counter.li.org
Gentoo x86 Arch Tester                 |               ::0 Alberta, Canada
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