Kurt Lieber wrote: [Sat Nov 19 2005, 04:42:41PM CST]
> On Sat, Nov 19, 2005 at 05:06:15PM +0000 or thereabouts, Kurt Lieber wrote:
> If the requirement is for r/o CVS access to the same CVS server that the
> pure-blooded developers use (sorry, couldn't resist) then it may require
> upgrades to our existing server and/or purchasing a new server.  

What about authenticated viewcvs on the live CVS server instead?  Back
when we had a live viewcvs I used to use it all the time for doing
exactly what the ATs want to do now, and I assume that viewcvs puts much
less load on the server than a CVS pull does.  

In any event, do we need a new server anyway?  We actually do have some
money that could be spent on such things, and the CVS server is really
high on the list of for which I, personally, would be more than willing
to spend it.

Grant Goodyear  
Gentoo Developer
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