Lares Moreau wrote:
> On Sat, 2005-11-19 at 18:13 -0600, Lance Albertson wrote:
>>is the 25-55 minute lag good enough?

> It may need to be good enough.  Personally I would like to have < 5-7
> min. That way when I'm working with a dev, I can keep up to speed with
> her/him without having to resort to an overlay and emailing
> ebuilds.tar's. A dedicated 'AT/HT' sync box sounds like an acceptable
> solution.

For now, I don't want to rsync more than every 30 minutes (concerns of
overloading the main cvs server). Pylon has mentioned that the newer
version of cvs has better commit hooks that may allow for more of a live
replication effect, but I don't expect that to happen any time soon. I
will try and come up with a revised version of GLEP 41 and see if
hparker and folks will agree with this new solution.

We will probably still have the blocking script on this server, but will
be at a much higher level. This is just to prevent folks from abusing
the service or giving out their access for other people to use. I really
don't see that happening, but I would prefer to have some kind of
prevention in place for infra's sake. I'll have to think out details on
the authentication scheme for access, but I would assume it would be per
AT and not a shared access account.


Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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