Thierry Carrez wrote: [Mon Sep 12 2005, 02:04:10PM CDT]
> The first Gentoo Council meeting will be held Thursday, September 15th,
> at 1900 UTC.
> The deadline for agenda item submission is set to tomorrow, Tuesday,
> September 13th, 1900 UTC. To submit an item, you can reply here or send
> an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yikes, that's short notice.  Of course, almost by definition the first
meeting had to have a fairly limited amount of lead time. *Shrug*  Any
chance of getting a schedule for the next couple of meetings or so?
(Actually, I'd be quite happy if the date of the next meeting could be
posted by the previous meeting, since that would generally correspond to
about a month lead.)

> Added by Grant Goodyear :
> glep40: Standardizing "arch" keywording across all archs

Please feel free to argue this GLEP in my absence.  I'm fully aware that
the council members understand the ramifications of this GLEP
substantially better than I do.

Grant Goodyear  
Gentoo Developer
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