On Monday 12 September 2005 03:25 pm, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Sep 2005 21:04:10 +0200 Thierry Carrez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> | The deadline for agenda item submission is set to tomorrow, Tuesday,
> | September 13th, 1900 UTC. To submit an item, you can reply here or
> | send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Could we get GLEP 31 (Character Sets for Portage Tree Items) added? The
> only issue holding it back is that a few developers have stated
> outright that they refuse to comply with it, and I don't see it as fair
> to make other developers suffer nasty repoman errors because of things
> a select few will end up breaking...

it was approved once already, just retracted after that fact pending further 
developments in terms of application/developer support (editors not sucking 
so much for example) ... so does it really need to be approved again ?

i'd say the work that needs to be done is documentation on how to make it 
work ... for example, i use nano and know nothing of unicode, so i really 
have no clue how to verify my work and even if i could verify it, how to 
rectify a bum editor
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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