On Mon, 2005-09-12 at 15:53 -0500, Grant Goodyear wrote:
> Patrick Lauer wrote: [Mon Sep 12 2005, 03:08:53PM CDT]
> > I'd like to see the following items added:
> > glep 15: script repository (working prototype has existed for some time)
> I'm not quite sure what you're adding.  GLEP 15 was approved quite some
> time ago.  "All" that remains is to finish up the implementation.
or rather move it from gentooexperimental.org to "official" gentoo 
infrastructure (?)

> > QA: Preventing tree breakage and improving quality
> > GLEP31 (The UTF-8 Glep) would be dependant on a QA team that can
> > actually fix things and should be resurrected from its frozen state.
> Huh?  Why should Mr_Bones_ need to go around fixing broken encodings?
> He just has to break the legs of the offending devs....
Would be better if
(1) it wasn't Mr_Bones alone and
(2) there was an agreed on policy so that (if needed) repeat offenders
can be sanctioned
(e.g. by flipping their commit bit)
that of course needs some backing from the general dev population and
devrel, also the policies should be properly defined so that noone can
weasel out by invoking "it's always been like this"

I hope I'm not alone in my quest for higher QA standards :-)


Stand still, and let the rest of the universe move

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