On Sat, 2005-08-20 at 19:42 -0400, Nathan L. Adams wrote:
> What I see with Gentoo is this 'cathedral' being built where only those
> folks who have been 'approved' or 'blessed' as being l33t enough are
> allowed to review the code and actually cause a positive change when
> some bug is found. 
So you want to give every user who asks for it full CVS access?
Uhm ...  
> If you believe Chris Gianelloni's argument, then only
> those blessed developers who are also blessed by a particular group
> within Gentoo are allowed. Eventually the meritocracy degrades into a
> popularity contest.
Every person that shows dedication and some basic skills can become
If you want to argue for the fun of it, go debian yourself ;-)
> What I want is for Gentoo to be more of a 'bazaar' where anyone with a
> good idea gets listened to and anyone with a good patch gets their name
> in the credits
Isn't that already what is done?
Every good patch/bugfix will be assimilated if it does something useful
in an understandable way ...
> Yes this is a volanteer distribution. That's a blessing, not a curse!
> That means that you DON'T HAVE DEADLINES. You can take the time to do it
> right instead of just 'code it up, test it once, and pray it really works'.
Yes, so please shut up and let us do our thing ;-)

Stand still, and let the rest of the universe move

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