On Mon, 2005-05-16 at 20:48 -0400, Olivier CrÃte wrote:
> I would tend to believe that the content of a stage1 or stage2 would be
> enough and just for the majors architectures (those that have a
> stage1).. Anyways people will rebuild said packages once that's done,
> right? That's not much for the mirrors.. Around 168 megs for the content
> of a stage1 or 300 megs for the stage2..

Honestly, a stage1 is not a good starting point.  In fact, there should
*never* be anything provided that is directly laid onto the live

A much better approach would be for there to be a rescue build,
completely independent of the stages, since it doesn't need to mirror
them in any way.  It should be extracted (self-extracted?) to something
like /rescue and executed from there, being completely self-contained.
This keeps it from stomping on system files and breaking
collision-protect or doing anything else nasty like hosing configuration
files (ever made the mistake of extracting a stage onto a live
filesystem?) when unpacked.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead/QA Manager
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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