Duncan wrote:
> Jan Kundrát posted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, excerpted below,  on
> Mon, 16 May 2005 13:20:18 +0200:
>>What is a probability that user running *stable* branch would bork his
>>box by upgrades?
> Well, I suppose that depends on what sort of CFLAGS they run, and whether
> anybody else has been hair-brained enough to decide to try them and then
> filed a bug that got them filterflagged in the ebuild, yet, or if they
> bypassed the filterflags stuff (as I occasionally do, but on ~arch and
> with a working partition and three levels of backup on two separately
> bootable disks). <g>

Well, I meant wise users :-P. There is not so many ricers using stable
branch, IMHO...


cd /local/pub && more beer > /dev/mouth

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