On Mon, 16 May 2005 03:24:21 -0700
Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thus, my suggestion.  Why not create a second feature,
> toolchain-buildpkg, I'm calling it here for purposes of
> developing the suggestion, that's on by default, as contrasted
> to the normal buildpkg being off by default. 

There exists a "buildsyspkg" flag already, which is supposed to
build packages for ebuilds that are in the system group. It's
probably a bit broken tho (won't catch system packages
dependencies that are not explicitly in your profile's system
group, and also i don't think the version in portage resolves

If you're using portage HEAD, you can play with this patch too:
It deprecates "buildsyspkg", and instead introduces a new
variable for user-defined policy about building binaries. Using it
with BUILD_PKGS="*" in make.conf gives a behavior similar to
the buildpkg FEATURES flag (keep binaries of everything), and
other rules are available too. For instance, i use:
BUILD_PKGS="system !sys-kernel kde-base kde-misc \
  app-office/openoffice app-office/openoffice-ximian x11-libs/qt"
which makes it build binaries for system packages (but the ones
from sys-kernel), and also for kde and openoffice stuffs (because
they are slow to build so i don't want to revert them from
sources if they break). This patch should handle system virtuals
fine (although the code organisation is not really nice), but
still doesn't track system dependencies.

> With such a feature, and with it on by default, another
> make.conf parameter would then be useful as well.  Call it
> binver-depth, and set binver-depth=3 in make.globals.  Then,
> when three versions of the binpkg are reached, it would delete
> the oldest one as it created a new one, thus leaving two
> presumably known working backups at all times, even if the
> newest version it just created fails.

Better to keep that out of emerge imho, there exists some /usr/
portage/packages cleanup scripts already that you can add to your
crontab. An example is:
(it doesn't have your "keep the latest 3 versions" policy tho,
but that could be added - I think i see how to do it, only taking
care of slotted packaged needs a bit of care). And there are
others similar scripts on f.g.o I think.

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