On Sun, 2005-15-05 at 17:18 -0400, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> for example, when i broke binutils in unstable with a gcc4 patch, i noticed 
> that it's hard for users to *easily* recover from this ... we developers end 
> up scrambling to build a bunch of binary packages for a variety of compatible 
> compiler/libc combinations so the user can just wget the file and run `emerge 
> binutils.tbz2` and be on their way

I had exactly the same problem recently and I had a hard time finding a
fitting tbz2 since the package was part of the stages and not the GRP.

Just having packages built as part of a stage3 uploaded somewhere
as .tbz2s on the mirrors would already be a good first step and isn't
much more work for the release teams. 

Would erescue just be static "tar xjvf ${file} -C /" or do you want
something more intelligent that would also update the portage db ?

Olivier Crête
x86 Security Liaison

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