
+1 binding

I checked:
- incubating in name
- signatures and hashes good
- LICENSE is probably missing a few things (see below)
- NOTICE is good
- No binary files in release
- All source files have ASF headers

LICENSE is probably missing:
- MIT licensed sankey layout [1] in [2][3]
- 2 clause BSD Heatmap layer [4] in [5]

Some other very minor things:
- no need for KEYS file in the release
- looks like package.json could do with an update re URL and authors
- missing README or like on how to “compile” / use


1. https://github.com/ricklupton/sankey-layout
2. src/chart/sankey/sankeyLayout.js
3. src/chart/themeRiver/themeRiverLayout.js
4. https://github.com/mourner/simpleheat
5. src/chart/heatmap/HeatmapLayer.js
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