On 5/21/15 10:29 AM, John D. Ament wrote: >> Currently I see three mentors and two committers at >> > https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/FreemarkerProposal, I'm not involved >> > in that podling but it looks to me that additional committers might be >> > more useful than more mentors. >> > >>From looking at their graphs, on github, they have 5 total contributors. > > https://github.com/freemarker/freemarker/graphs/contributors > > I'm wondering - would the others who aren't on the proposal be interested > in joining the proposal?
Hi Folks, My name is Woonsan Ko. I recently contributed a small feature (JSTL function support in freemarker) to the project, so my name was there. I'm really happy with this move to Apache incubation, and I'd like to help this as a committer if possible. I'm working at Hippo (http://www.onehippo.com), an open source Web CMS company, and we Hippo have been integrating with Freemarker as our default delivery tier templating engine. [1] So our customers have been using Freemarker as the default templating option on top of our product for long time as well. You can take a look at our forum [2] to see how heavily they're using it with our product. So we Hippo have supported the users with this great template engine! I personally have experiences with integrating Spring MVC Framework for our delivery-tier product (and portlet bridges long time ago). I can also help with CodeMirror template support for Freemarker. I'd like to contribute these areas as well as documentation, testing, etc. Kind regards, Woonsan [1] http://www.onehippo.org/library/concepts/web-application/hst-freemarker-support.html [2] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/hippo-community/freemarker > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org