As a very satisfied Freemarker user, I'm excited to see this proposal!

I agree with the feedback that it would be helpful to have more
committers.  Marmotta mentioned that they use it, so I wonder if you could
draw some interest from members of that community to join as initial
committers.  Are there other Apache projects that already use Freemarker?

--Chris Nauroth

On 5/21/15, 9:44 AM, "" <> wrote:

>Le 21/05/2015 16:29, John D. Ament a écrit :
>> On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 10:11 AM Bertrand Delacretaz
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 3:38 PM, Sergio Fernández <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> ...If you'd need any other mentor, I'm happy to help there (I'm
>>> Incubator PMC
>>>> and ASF Member)...
>>> Currently I see three mentors and two committers at
>>>, I'm not involved
>>> in that podling but it looks to me that additional committers might be
>>> more useful than more mentors.
>> >From looking at their graphs, on github, they have 5 total
>> I'm wondering - would the others who aren't on the proposal be
>> in joining the proposal?
>Actually the project is currently at SourceForge as you can see at
> and the team is there
>I guess some members at least will be interested...
>PS: maybe a duplicate, I used my non a.o address on another email, sorry
>for the noise in case
>>> -Bertrand
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