Cross-pollination and help from the Felix community have been talked
about several times and I absolutely welcome that. As such, please
would Felix committers willing to spend time helping the (proposed)
Aries podling add their names to the initial committer list on the
proposal wiki [1]. This naturally extends beyond Felix committers.

Apologies for x-post to d...@felix ... I wanted to attract as many as
possible :-)



2009/9/5 Davanum Srinivas <>:
> Karl,
> Please don't get me wrong. Felix is choice for an excellent *destination*
> TLP. The Incubator PMC itself was setup to take away the responsibility for
> training incoming folks from existing TLP(s). So my gut feeling is that we
> should allow the incubation process to go on and decide on destination and
> scope once the project is ready to graduate. I am sure the folks on the
> proposal would love to get any and every help they can get to graduate as
> well as on the technical front. Please do continue to provide help and
> guidance.
> thanks,
> dims
> On 09/05/2009 10:29 AM, Karl Pauls wrote:
>> On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 12:21 PM, Davanum Srinivas<>
>>  wrote:
>>> Karl,
>>> There are *many* TLP(s) with overlapping scope as James Strachan pointed
>>> out
>>> earlier in the thread.
>>> I don't see the need to shoe horn a new community with new code into an
>>> existing TLP just because of scope. For all you know by the time they get
>>> out of the incubator their scope may change a bit (or more).
>> I'm sorry if it looked like I wanted to shoe horn anything into felix.
>> That wasn't my goal as for me it was a question of where I would like
>> it to happen and as I said earlier already, not the end of the world
>> if not.
>> regards,
>> Karl
>>> thanks,
>>> dims
>>> On 09/05/2009 04:31 AM, Karl Pauls wrote:
>>>> The question
>>>> is about the scope and goals of Aries and more specifically about the
>>>> part where it is about being an umbrella for OSGi EE spec
>>>> implementations where it has been argued that this could/should be
>>>> done at felix
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