
Please don't get me wrong. Felix is choice for an excellent *destination* TLP. The Incubator PMC itself was setup to take away the responsibility for training incoming folks from existing TLP(s). So my gut feeling is that we should allow the incubation process to go on and decide on destination and scope once the project is ready to graduate. I am sure the folks on the proposal would love to get any and every help they can get to graduate as well as on the technical front. Please do continue to provide help and guidance.


On 09/05/2009 10:29 AM, Karl Pauls wrote:
On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 12:21 PM, Davanum Srinivas<dava...@gmail.com>  wrote:

There are *many* TLP(s) with overlapping scope as James Strachan pointed out
earlier in the thread.

I don't see the need to shoe horn a new community with new code into an
existing TLP just because of scope. For all you know by the time they get
out of the incubator their scope may change a bit (or more).

I'm sorry if it looked like I wanted to shoe horn anything into felix.
That wasn't my goal as for me it was a question of where I would like
it to happen and as I said earlier already, not the end of the world
if not.




On 09/05/2009 04:31 AM, Karl Pauls wrote:

The question
is about the scope and goals of Aries and more specifically about the
part where it is about being an umbrella for OSGi EE spec
implementations where it has been argued that this could/should be
done at felix

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