On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 04:34, Noel J. Bergman <n...@devtech.com> wrote:
>> Well, the point is: we are  talking about small libraries.
> That's code.  What about community, Torsten?  What is the Community?  It has
> been the Apache Commons as a collective, not sub-projects.  Is that to
> change?  We do not want Apache Commons to turn into an umbrella, right?  We
> need to keep that as a single community managing libraries of common
> components.

Exactly! That's exactly why I think the Incubator does not work well
for small components. The Incubator is to build a community. But it
doesn't integrate into an existing one. Which would lead to an
umbrella which is NOT what we want. After all it's the whole Commons
that is the community.

So is it OK for commons to play mini Incubator with it's sandbox? I am
not sure I like this either.

Too often had the discussion at Commons whether this library needs to
go through incubation or not. I guess what I am trying to say is that
there is something in the middle we need to find a procedure for. Be
it at Commons or at the Incubator. I don't care. It's just that
Commons is probably more likely to get these kind of contributions and
we need to find a procedure on how to deal with it. I think the idea
behind this thread was more to reach out to the Incubator experience
to find a proper way how to deal with such contributions.

I just don't like the "all project are equal" attitude I am reading
here - because they are not. Some projects are just too small to
warrant the target of a TLP or even a sub project ...which I always
thought is where Incubator projects exit to.

Teaching people "The Apache Way" after they got commit access sounds
as bad as forcing the original authors to keep sending patches until
we feel they are ready. I know some people from the Commons PMC
expressed similar thoughts, but this is really just my POV.


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