On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 9:55 AM, William A. Rowe, Jr.

> Matthieu Riou wrote:
> >
> > I've also looked at the mentors votes, those who are basically running
> this
> > place. I'm a small player but Craig mentors 6 poddlings, Jim, Henning and
> > Jukka 4 and Doug 3. I'm not saying their votes count more than others,
> just
> > that when those people disagree, we should listen.
> Ahhh, and by ommission I suspect you've failed to count those who have
> mentored projects to graduation, and into the graveyard.

No omission, just laziness I must confess :) Do we have good records for
past mentorships? I've checked the project.xml but not all podlings have
listed their mentors (even the current ones, like shindig - nudge).


> Valuable lessons
> there, in both.
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