
On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 12:58 AM, Niall Pemberton
> If this vote doesn't pass then we need to re-write the rules to
> define how much of a majority overturns the status quo.

I'm following http://www.apache.org/foundation/voting.html and the
express wish of our PMC chair. I think both are well founded.

> Perhaps two thrids, perhaps no negative votes. If this policy isn't
> implemented, then I think all the people who voted +1 at least deserve
> a definition of how short we fell of passing this vote and what the bar is.

The way I see it, we make decisions based on consensus, not numbers.
On procedural issues we define consensus to be the majority opinion,
but there's a clear reservation for cases where it's unclear whether
the measured majority is representative of the whole community.

This vote has made it quite clear that we have a much deeper
disagreement over the status of incubating releases, and that we
really should reach some consensus on that before nailing down
decisions on release distribution.


Jukka Zitting

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