Hi Robert,

Thanks for taking your time and looking at this release.  To answer your

The files *.csproj, and *.sln are the Visual Studio.NET project files --
those are auto generated and thus I can't edit them outside the IDE -- the
same goes to the few *.cs files that you noticed as well as the few *.xml
and *.html files that you highlighted.

For the file,
wball.Net/Test/Analysis/Snowball/TestSnowball.cs where you pointed out the
use of the old style Apache License, it looks like
http://www.apache.org/legal/src-headers.html#faq-update-scripts didn't do
the job well here.  This is an original work -- will this issue prevent a

Thanks for catching the grammatical error in the README.txt: "An MADN ..."
I fixed it in the SVN release.

Again, thanks for taking your time and looking at this release candidate.
Please let me know if I addressed all of your questions and if I get your +1
or -1 vote.


-- George Aroush

-----Original Message-----
From: robert burrell donkin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 5:19 PM
To: general@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: [VOTE] [Retry] Approve the release of Apache Lucene.Net 2.0
build 004 incubating

On 3/20/07, George Aroush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks,

hi George

apologies for the delay

(i'll try to be quicker next time)

> This is a re-vote request for the release of Incubating Apache 
> Lucene.Net 2.0 build 004.  I have addressed the issues raised from the 
> previous vote request.


> I'm asking for your vote to approve this release.
> [ ] +1 Approve the release as Apache Lucene.Net 2.0.0 build 004 
> incubating [ ] -1 Veto this release (explain why so it can be 
> addressed)


RAT run: there are a quite a number of files in the source distribution
which lack the standard apache header. this is not necessarily wrong but it
does raise questions before i can judge this release.

generally all primary documents which are not binaries and which can have
license headers should have them.

*.csproj - am i right in assuming these are c# project files? if so IIRC
there are issues with adding headers to m$ project files. is this true in
this case?

*.cs - am i right in assuming that these are c# source files? AIUI these
should all have license headers, shouldn't they?

*.sln - does the 'Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File' format allow

contrib/Highlighter.Net/Highlighter.Net/Highlighter.Net.xml looks to be
standard xml and so capable of comments. is it generated?

contrib/Highlighter.Net/Highlighter.Net/Package.html looks to be standard
html and so capable of comments. is it generated?

contrib/Snowball.Net/Snowball.Net/Xdocs/Index.xml looks to be standard xml
and so capable of comments. is it generated?

contrib/Snowball.Net/Snowball.Net/Xdocs/Stylesheets/Project.xml looks to be
standard xml and so capable of comments. is it generated?

has the old apache license. is this document an import or an original work
created for apache?

contrib/WordNet.Net/WordNet.Net/Build.xml is missing a license header and
looks to be standard of xml and so capable of comments. is this generated?

contrib/WordNet.Net/WordNet.Net/Package.html  looks to be standard html and
so capable of comments. is it generated?

comments and notes
(suggestions, not mandatory)


grammar typo in README.txt: "An MSDN style API documentation for Apache
Lucene.Net exist. " -> "MSDN style API documentation for Apache Lucene.Net
exists. " (IMHO not worth a revote, just fix in trunk)

there are a number of package.html documents which are IMHO too small and
uncreative to sustain copyright. remember to add license headers if their
content is expanded.

- robert

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