Greg posted a message back on the 18th noting that a PMC vote on the entry of the project to the incubator would be kicked off under the private [EMAIL PROTECTED] list. I don't know the specifics of Incubator voting policies but I guessing we will see a vote result early next week.
Phil Steitz wrote:
I have been following this thread with interest and have found the discussion very informative. Thanks to all who have provided insight for those of us with less knowledge and experience with the Apache way.
I have been a bit surprised by the lack of discussion about the merits of the proposal per se. Does this mean that all are agreed that a directory services implementation as described in the proposal would make a good asset for Apache?
As an Apache committer (not an ASF member or even PMC member) who is committed to supporting the project, I would at least like to express my strong opinion that this would be a good thing for Apache. Here are just a few reasons (mostly covered in the Proposal):
* Several Apache projects (Geronimo, James, Tomcat) either have direct immediate need or could be nicely extended by a robust, embeddable directory serices implementation for JNDI, configuration management, or identity management/authentication.
* In addition to the basic JNDI and LDAP functionality described in the proposal, platform independent identity management/SSO solutions could be built on top of/natually extend this, providing benefits/extension possibilities for WS, HTTP Server and other projects. An ASF-licensed, "Apache-grade" directory implementation could form the basis for Apache XACML, Liberty, WSS and/or other emerging identity/auth related spec implementations. The embeddability and extended APIs being planned by this project may open up some exciting opportunities for efficient and scalable implementations of these and other specs.
* This project has already attracted significant interest and is likely to attract a strong community (just my HO, of course :-)
So, non-binding as my humble +1 may be, I think that this project has the makings of a very good asset for Apache, and I hope that we can sort out the organizational issues necessary to bring it in to the incubator.
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