I have been a bit surprised by the lack of discussion about the merits of the proposal per se. Does this mean that all are agreed that a directory services implementation as described in the proposal would make a good asset for Apache?
As an Apache committer (not an ASF member or even PMC member) who is committed to supporting the project, I would at least like to express my strong opinion that this would be a good thing for Apache. Here are just a few reasons (mostly covered in the Proposal):
* Several Apache projects (Geronimo, James, Tomcat) either have direct immediate need or could be nicely extended by a robust, embeddable directory serices implementation for JNDI, configuration management, or identity management/authentication.
* In addition to the basic JNDI and LDAP functionality described in the proposal, platform independent identity management/SSO solutions could be built on top of/natually extend this, providing benefits/extension possibilities for WS, HTTP Server and other projects. An ASF-licensed, "Apache-grade" directory implementation could form the basis for Apache XACML, Liberty, WSS and/or other emerging identity/auth related spec implementations. The embeddability and extended APIs being planned by this project may open up some exciting opportunities for efficient and scalable implementations of these and other specs.
* This project has already attracted significant interest and is likely to attract a strong community (just my HO, of course :-)
So, non-binding as my humble +1 may be, I think that this project has the makings of a very good asset for Apache, and I hope that we can sort out the organizational issues necessary to bring it in to the incubator.
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