Noel J. Bergman wrote:

That is exactly what I said. It requires a shepherd; someone
who is the go-to/go-between.

On that we agree. The only point of difference appears to be the nature of the Shephard. You seem(ed) to be saying that it had to be a member of the Incubator PMC, whereas I'm suggesting that the shephard should be an ASF Member, working with the Incubator PMC.

Or did I completely misunderstand your point, and you are only trying to
figure out which ONE person is intended to be the Shepherd-designate?  If
so, Nicola Ken fits the various criteria.  Alternatively, I believe that I
have more of an interest in the project domain, and am also willing.

We have not voted on any definitive resolution about this, but currently there is an informal rule sprung out of necessity that each incubating project should have someone from Apache that sponsors and actively works with the project, and a shepherd from the PMC that oversees and reports back to the PMC. In some cases it can be the same person, but usually we would want to have both, as they are two different figures.

The incubator shepherd is someone that has already seen incubating projects and gives advise based on Incubator experience, and is the legal bind to the PMC.
The sponsor instead is a more active figure that pushes forward the issues and solves them. He usually does not usually incubate projects, and thus refers to the shepherd for extra guidance, and will probably not incubate other projects. We can say that this person is the one that is doing th eactual community incubation.

So in the case you are the sponsor, and I can be the shepherd, or anyone else on the PMC. You do the actual community incubation, we oversee and give you a hand.

This makes the incubator into a place where the sponsor can incubate projects, as it was before, but there is a PMC that can oversee the process and can ensure that some rules that the Apache must see applied are done.

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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