On Thursday, September 18, 2003, at 03:40 PM, Noel J. Bergman wrote:

Jim Jagielski wrote:
Without a clear sense of responsibility, the end result
are that podlings are essentially left on their own and
"every" Incubator member thinks someone else is
doing the oversight.  :/

I really thought that I had provided a clearer picture than that. Who has
the "clear sense of responsibility" for each TLP on the ASF Board? My view,
or proposal if you will, seems analogous. For each podling, there shall
exist an ASF Member acting as shephard. That ASF Member shall work with,
and report to, the Incubator PMC specifically in support of that podling's
oversight. Does that not provide a clear sense of responsibility? It is
certainly a lot more scalable, and the ASF Member sponsoring the podling
ought to be familar with the project domain, which is more than you can
fairly ask of an arbitrary PMC member.

This also fits in with what Ted just said. He is shepharding XMLBeans on
behalf of the XML PMC. They are, I hope, acting as an involved parent, not
just delegating to the Incubator PMC. So Ted ought to be working with the
Incubator PMC to ensure that the latter is kept in the loop and involved.

That is exactly what I said. It requires a shepherd; someone who is the go-to/go-between.

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