Jeff Turner wrote, On 11/03/2003 6.04:

Incubation was a dumb idea from the start.

Thanks, I like constructive attitude.

It is busy failing in practice.

It has failed for the first project, which it actually never incubated.

PMCs should manage the acceptance of new subprojects, not some
disinterested Incubator PMC.

First of all not all projects want or can start as subprojects.
As for "disinterested", I'll take it constructively... yes, the Incubator PMC is less interested than other project in accepting subprojects.

I think that probably in case of subprojects it's quite obvious that PMCs should take the incubation into account themselves. One from us could simple monitor that project for some time and help needed, but only as an extra helper.

We should stay around also to be an initial filter (witness the case of the lates WS PMC request and license issues), and as a helper for those projects that won't have accepting PMCs. These will have to remain on *our* lists and CVS, or else we have no control.

IMHO, scrap this failed experiment and let Tapestry migrate to Jakarta
without being further jerked around.

I'd agree.

I feel I'm stating the blindingly obvious. Is it just me?

We have had (and I'm also replying to Dion about his earlier request), a project called Tapestry that has been a first for us. We are a project ourselves, and you seem to me a bit too harsh in your comments.

Anyway, Tapestry has *not* been incubated, at least not by the Incubator. It has been followed by Dion and Andy (whom I thank BTW), that are not Incubator PMCers. I don't see how something that we have not done goes to our demerit.

If there is one thing that I have learned from this, is that we cannot delegate to others that are not from this PMC.
Another is that we need more PMCers, especially from the Java land.

I'll make a more articulated summary on this soon. I hope I've been able to capture the failings that have brought to this rant and address them, at least tentatively, in a reasonable manner.


Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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