>>> It seems to
>>> me that LLVM solves many goals that are already complete and solved in
>>> GCC. So I think libJIT potentially is more useful for GCC and software
>>> developers.
>> but you don't say what libjit would be more useful than, or how this
>> overlap
>> between "solved goals" between gcc and llvm implies that.  Do you simply
>> mean
>> that, because llvm and gcc both cover similar areas, and because libjit is
>> useful for llvm, it must also be useful for gcc?  Could you list some of
>> these
>> goals and explain how they relate to JIT?
> Hi Dave,
> I don't mean to invade into a pretty amusing thread, but I wanted to clarify
> one important thing: litjit and LLVM have nothing to do with each other.
> libjit and LLVM have very different design points.  libjit is a bit more
> than a glorified macro assembler with some late "optimizations", whereas
> LLVM is a real compiler that happens to have the ability to emit machine
> code to memory.
> To be perfectly clear, LLVM does not use libjit.
> -Chris

This is what Chris Lattner wrote a couple of years ago. Now I see an
exactly contradiction:


Hi All,

I was wondering what you could tell me about the differences in goals
between libjit and LLVM.  In particular, on this page:

It is stated "Unlike other systems such as the JVM, .NET, Parrot, and
LLVM, libjit is not a virtual machine in its own right. It is the
foundation upon which a number of different virtual machines, dynamic
scripting languages, or customized rendering routines can be built."

I believe that the statement is true about .NET, JVM, and Parrot, but LLVM
is exactly what you describe: a framework that can be used to build a
number of different virtual machines.  In particular, LLVM assumes no
runtime model or library: we currently JIT C,C++,Stacker (a forth-like
language), and have good starts on Java, .NET, O-Caml, and Ruby

If you're not familiar with LLVM, it's actually a lot more than a JIT.
It's also a static, linktime, and offline optimizer that includes dozens
of aggressive SSA-based optimizations.  Another advantage of LLVM is that
it is mature and works well now.  :)  For more info, see:

Can you say a little bit about the advantages of using libjit over LLVM?
Also, can you please correct the quote above to accurately describe the
difference between libjit and LLVM?




On Sunday 30 May 2004 12:46 pm, Chris Lattner wrote:

> What do you mean by "real" one?  They are both real.

"Real" in the sense that the other one is discontinued.  Which is essentially
what you want here: for libjit to be discontinued and turned into a thin C
API on top of LLVM.  That just isn't going to happen.  I'm just as attached
to my project as you are to yours.  Sorry.

> Sure, that's fine.  Please change the link to llvm.org though (a recent
> change).  Thanks!

I have updated the documentation in CVS and on the Web site.



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