>> 2009/4/1 Andrew Haley <a...@redhat.com>:
>>> Kirill Kononenko wrote:
>>>> I would like to ask your opinion about possibility for integration of
>>>> the libJIT Just-In-Time compilation library and GCC. For example, the
>>>> same way as libffi is integrated within gcc source tree. It seems to
>>>> me that LLVM solves many goals that are already complete and solved in
>>>> GCC. So I think libJIT potentially is more useful for GCC and software
>>>> developers.
>>> Useful for what?  I think you have to tell us how this will improve the
>>> experience of gcc users .
> Kirill Kononenko wrote:
>> More useful in implementation of Just-In-Time compilation in Virtual
>> Machine runtimes. For example, for Microsoft Common Intermediate
>> Language (.NET).
> We already know what a JIT does, thank you.  I think you have to tell us how

Please could you specify more precisely the 'we' here?

I really don't understand what you exactly mean here.

> having libjit integrated in gcc will improve the experience of gcc users.
> As opposed to them, say, using libjit as a library separate from gcc.

Just read my first post.


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