2009/4/1 Dave Korn <dave.korn.cyg...@googlemail.com>:
>> LLVM is an overkill for JIT compilation. I think the tasks which LLVM
>> solves are already solved within GCC transformations, or can be
>> integrated very easily with libJIT. LibJIT is also much easier in
>> usage, for ordinary developers. So what I see here, LLVM is rather a
>> competitor to GCC, considering which tasks it solves. And complexity
>> of code rises inproportionally to the task it is used for. While both
>> could be potentionaly useful for their area of expertise. I think an
>> GCC+libJIT solves 99% of areas of LLVM usage.
>  From this, it sounds to me as if the question you should be asking is not so
> much "Could integrating libjit be useful for GCC", but more like "Could
> integrating GCC be useful for libjit"!

LibJIT is a not a competitor to LLVM. Three guys on internet don't
compete with a multi-billion corporation like Apple (?) But you are
correct. LibJIT is only a tool for JITing, and it already does this
job much better than any other tool. LibJIT can benefit even more from
integration with GCC internals.


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