Kirill Kononenko wrote:

> LLVM is an overkill for JIT compilation. I think the tasks which LLVM
> solves are already solved within GCC transformations, or can be
> integrated very easily with libJIT. LibJIT is also much easier in
> usage, for ordinary developers. So what I see here, LLVM is rather a
> competitor to GCC, considering which tasks it solves. And complexity
> of code rises inproportionally to the task it is used for. While both
> could be potentionaly useful for their area of expertise. I think an
> GCC+libJIT solves 99% of areas of LLVM usage.

  From this, it sounds to me as if the question you should be asking is not so
much "Could integrating libjit be useful for GCC", but more like "Could
integrating GCC be useful for libjit"!


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