On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 1:59 PM, Bernardo Innocenti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Even simple things, like having to do git diff -rHEAD instead of git
>  > diff to see added files, etc.
>  LOL!  You can't be serious: why would *compiler* *developers*
>  be unable to grasp a few command line syntax changes such as
>  these? Aren't you underestimating your users perhaps?

It's not about grasping, it's about not wanting to waste their time doing it.
What don't you grasp about this?

>  You have never used git recently, have you?

Actually, I tried it for 2 months ending a few weeks ago.

But it is typical of git people to claim that anyone who finds they
have to waste their time learning new workflows to achieve the same
results must not have tried it.

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