On Thu, 2008-03-13 at 23:47 +0100, Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
> Daniel Berlin wrote:
>  > Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
> >>  Fair enough.  I hereby volunteer to setup and maintain the git
> >>  mirror on gcc.gnu.org if someone provides me a shell account
> >>  there.
> > 
> > Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask what kind of sponsorship they want
> > to require for a shell account (for write access to repositories, we
> > usually only require 1 sponsor, but these do not give you shell
> > access).
> As stated above, I'd like to request shell access to gcc.gnu.org to 
> setup a git mirror of the GCC svn repository.  I'd also suggest Harvey 
> Harrison as a co-maintainer of the mirror, as he helped setting it up on 
> git.infradead.org.

A few things I'd like to clean up if we move a copy over:

1) generate a author's file so the commits have better than just a login
name as the commiter/author.

2) change the layout so it can be cloned just like any other git repo



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