On 13/03/2008, David Woodhouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-03-13 at 13:35 -0400, Daniel Berlin wrote:
>  > If by "really weird" you mean "nobody has any real complaints about
>  > the way it works and are happy it is close to what they were using
>  > before", then yes, they are using something "really weird".
> To be honest, I find it weird that Subversion even exists. Precisely
>  because it _is_ so close to what people were using before, as you point
>  out. I've never really understood why anyone would bother to change from
>  CVS to SVN -- it just seems to be part of the 'one VCS per project'
>  insanity.

[Pointless and million times rehashed discussion about VCS deleted]

Please, this is not the forum to discuss VCSs. Subversion is easier to
understand than GIT is an empirical fact. Subversion being easier to
understand for CVS users than GIT is obvious. Even if neither were
true we are not going to force GIT on nobody. Moving to something else
must be proposed and favoured by the people that are actually using it
the most. When the 20 top committers of GCC are using git, please
bring back this issue. Meanwhile, completely forget about it, you are
wasting yours and everybody else's time.

BTW, you can plug your sync script to gcc-cvs mailing list and sync
for every email received. Easy and does not depend on GCC setting up
something for you.

If you really want to help GCC, help us move to Bugzilla 3.0:


Let's drop this thread.



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