On Mon, 19 Mar 2007, Doug Gregor wrote:
But what is the solution? We can complain about performance all we
want (and we all love to do this), but without a plan to fix it we're
just wasting effort. Shall we reject every patch that causes a slow
down? Hold up releases if they are slower than their predecessors?
Stop work on extensions, optimizations, and bug fixes until we get our
compile-time performance back to some predetermined level?
We have hit a hard limit in the design of GCC. We need to either use
more memory, use more compilation time, re-architect non-trivial
portions of GCC, remove functionality, or come up with something very,
very clever. Pick one, but if the pick the last one, you have to
specify what "something very, very clever" is, because we seem to be
running short on ideas.
GCC is a very ambitious compiler:
- it supports a lot of platforms
- it supports a lot of languages
However, most users do not use most of those combinations. The problem is
that supporting all these combinations hurts the specific combinations.
For example, I almost always compile C, and usually on x86 or AMD64. So I
don't care if the C++ compiler has improved, or a new language front-end is
added, or whatever. (Other users will have different priorities.)
As for what is best to do, I don't know. But I do know that complexity is
bad, and that GCC is very complex. You are absolutely right about there
being hard limits. There are trade-offs required. Whether the current and
ongoing trade-offs are the right ones is an open question.