On 1/23/06, Laurent GUERBY <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've put in place a script that monitor svn log on trunk and launches
> a bootstrap + check on each commit (distributed on the 7 CFARM ubuntu
> machines). On average since Nov2005 there have been 20 commits per day
> on trunk so, a cycle taking about 8 hours I expect to use about 50%
> of CFARM ressources for this task. I'm currently limiting to one build
> per machine to leave a processor for other users of CFARM.
> I still validate manually the output before sending to gcc-testresults
> but that will change soon (when I'm confident that it survives a few
> problems), see current results with subject "[r1100xx]":
> http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-testresults/2006-01/
> I'm currently using the following configure flags:
> --disable-nls --disable-multilib --enable-languages=c,ada

What you could try doing is restricting the enabled languages if a patch
touches only frontend parts (i.e. a subdirectory out of cp/, fortran/ ada/, etc.
in gcc).  In this case only enable c and the affected language.  Likewise
if only a toplevel target library like libstdc++ or libjava is affected.

> So build & check takes between 4h30 and 6h00 depending on the
> processor frequency. Adding other languages will push that figure to
> 6 to 8 hours (last time I checked). CFARM is a bit behind on commits
> since I launched my script starting with r110006, it has currently
> done up to r110047 and has 25 revisions to go (as of r110115).
> Is sending each rev testresults to gcc-testresults ok?

Yes, I think that is useful.

> I have a serie of build which failed (gcov build ICE), r110009 to
> r110025, what to do with those, email to testresults with end of build
> log?
> Next tasks will be:
> - Activate more languages. What languages, what configure flags are
> useful?

See above.  In general, enabling all default languages is useful, though
enabling java/libjava will push the requirements way up.

> - Activate build & check on branches.

I think this is less important, as other daily(!) testers build the
branches, too,
and with the commit frequency on the branches this already should capture
nearly every revision.


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